The Toyota Land Cruiser is the oldest nameplate in the Toyota line in the United States. It has been on the market in the U.S. since September 1958. When it came to launching cars and trucks in different countries around the world back then, Toyota’s philosophy was that it would introduce tough, rugged models first to prove their reliability. Based on that positive experience, people looked favorably on other Toyota products as well.
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- Make:
- Made Year:
- 2011
- Color
- Light Blue
- Seat
- 8
- Engine
- 5.7L
- Transmission Type
- 6-speed automatic transmission
- Power
- 381Hp
- Maximum Speed
- 180 km/h
- Included
- 300km/day
- +Chilled AC
- +Automatic
- +Audio input
- +Heated seats
- +All Wheel drive
- +Budget Car
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